Providing the user with added value - that is the task of content. But content is not only created for the reader! Search engines also react to your content and rate it. The better the content, the higher your website will be listed in search engines and the easier it will be to find.
What you should bear in mind
We show you 5 tips that you should consider when creating content and how you can satisfy readers AND search engines:
Develop strategy
What do you want to achieve with the content? Only with a clear approach can you adapt the content to your goals. Let's assume it's a new website: Do you want to inform, convince customers or gain contacts with the website? Who do you want to address (buyers, engineers, private individuals...)? What expectations do people have of you or the website at this moment? How do you measure good content in the end (length of stay, leads...)?
Check for added value
Always look at your content from the customer's perspective! Do you really offer added value with your texts, images, etc. or does the content serve as a space filler? The more added value you offer, the more grateful your readers and your company will be - and your brand will benefit.

A high ranking on Google and other search engines is the be-all and end-all. This is the only way to get users to visit your website. Therefore, pay attention to SEO optimization in your content and seek advice - preferably from someone with proven experience. Only very good SEO work will help you to rank better on Google! Unfortunately, a lot happens behind the scenes and the reasons for success/failure are not very transparent, as Google itself is very secretive when it comes to ranking factors. Therefore, make sure you work with a professional!
Avoid mistakes
Copywriting errors or poor image quality are a no-go - and easy to avoid! It is better to have texts checked once more before publication and look at the images used on different end devices.
Everything legally correct?
Before publishing images and text, you must ensure that you are legally permitted to publish this content. If you are unsure, you should refrain from doing so, as the penalties in the area of copyright law are extremely high!
Attention, please avoid these mistakes!
Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user - unfortunately, no one is spared mistakes when it comes to content maintenance. We list five of the most common mistakes:
Timetable too sporty
If the submission date is set too early, it puts unnecessary pressure on everyone involved. The result: poor content and numerous careless mistakes. Allow sufficient time to create the content and ideally also a buffer. And: think about the structure before you start (e.g. file system for saving the text files similar to the website sitemap).
Wrong formats
Images that are too small or incorrect text formatting not only look unattractive, but also cost valuable correction time. There should therefore be precise agreements regarding formats right from the start.
Content gets lostWhen many employees are working on content creation, something can get lost. Create a central collection point that is informed about all steps and content.
Language confusion
If content is to be available in multiple languages, please allow enough time for this too. The menu, captions, etc. also need to be translated. And here too: Order is half the battle
Meta information is important
They may not be visible at first glance, but they contribute to the visibility of the page in search engines. Plan enough time to maintain the meta information! Take the time to define with your SEO agency what you need to pay attention to and how!
Download whitepaper now
For more tips on content creation and what you should pay attention to when it comes to editing, SEO and UX, download our free white paper.